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Self Care is Not Enough To Fix How Much Mom’s are Burnt Out

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Recently Motherly came out with an incredibly powerful article on how self-care’ is not enough to fix how much moms are burnt out and we couldn’t agree more. Society needs to do a much better job of supporting our incredible mothers.

Did you know that Motherly conducted their 2019 State of Motherhood survey which found that 51% of mom’s feel unsupported when managing the stress of motherhood and work and that 85% felt that the current society doesn’t do a good enough job at supporting mothers? The survey also found that one-third of mom’s said that they felt their physical and mental health is suffering due to this lack of support.

Just take a second to take that in.

Eighty-five percent! That’s a crazy number, and something definitely needs to change.

That’s why we felt so compelled to share this amazing post. Because mothers need to be supported more in our society, and at Counseling Works, we want to help. Self-care is not enough.

If you’re feeling burnt out, remember that our incredible Counselors here at Counseling Works can help.

Thank you moms, for doing the incredible job you do.

 You can read the full article here.

Remember, professional help is always available if you need it. If you need more information, contact Counseling Works now to schedule an appointment. You’re not alone. We’ve got your back.




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