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Couples Therapy Aurora

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Couples Therapy Aurora

Relationships are rewarding. Mutual love and support between two individuals are things to be cherished. However, you and your partner will likely run into a rough patch, and during that time, be sure to confide in the team at Counseling Works. No matter what stage of your relationship you’re at, couples counseling can be beneficial. 

Signs It May Be Time for Counseling

Relationships are never perfect, and while it’s healthy to identify the good in your bond, there are times when you may need outside help. Relationships are founded on communication, intimacy, respect and trust. These pillars contribute to a healthy, long-lasting relationship, be it a newlywed couple or two individuals who’ve been together for decades. It’s never too early or late to reexamine your relationship alongside a trusted therapist. 

Identifying if you need counseling is not always easy. The signs of a challenging relationship can be subtle rather than obvious, so consider the following clues:

  • Conflict. Arguments are natural in a relationship, be it a friendship, romantic partner or sibling. However, frequent fights in a marriage can create ongoing tension, like you’re walking on eggshells. A therapist can help you get to the bottom of the conflict, as well as establish effective problem-solving strategies. 
  • Distrust. From infidelity to lying about financial spending, a breach of trust can complicate your connection with your partner. Distrust can eat away at your relationship’s very foundation, so don’t hesitate to discuss your troubles with a therapist. 
  • Poor Communication. Maybe your relationship is rocky because of subtle causes. Miscommunication can make a partner feel ignored or misunderstood. Clearing the air promotes a better connection. 
  • Unhealthy Attachment. Codependency or an unhealthy attachment between you and your partner is a red flag. Learn how to set boundaries and take the time to focus on individual needs. You’ll become better at meeting your partner’s needs and vice versa. 
  • Distance. If you’ve grown apart, know that your relationship isn’t doomed to lose its spark forever. Our therapists can help you find time for just the two of you to bond, away from work and household duties, and how to make the most of those opportunities. 

The Benefits of Counseling

For many couples, therapy is helpful in mending past hurts and moving towards a more fulfilling future. Some of the benefits include:

  • Better prepared to handle disagreements
  • Stronger connection and intimacy
  • Build or repair trust
  • Find common ground in arguments
  • Deeper understanding of your partner
  • View relationship from a reasonable perspective
  • Identify relationship triggers

The goal of counseling is to improve your bond with your partner, as well as help you have a better understanding of yourself. By talking to someone who has an external, objective view of the relationship, you’ll have a better understanding of where you both stand, as well as what direction you should take to a happier future.  

Looking For Couples Therapy? Aurora Residents Can Rely On Our Team

If you believe it’s time for intervention, call our team at Counseling Works. We’ll set up your first appointment so you can begin working towards a stronger connection alongside your partner.


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