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Adolescent Counseling Near Plainfield

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Adolescent Counseling Near Plainfield

Adolescents face their own unique issues. Growing older means a growing number of responsibilities and challenges that your teen might not be ready to handle. Since these challenges are particular to their age group, teens need therapists who are specifically trained in adolescent issues. Counseling Works provides adolescent counseling near Plainfield for this very reason. Our therapists help teenagers tackle the difficulties they face and understand themselves better. If your teen has been feeling down or struggling with their self-esteem, encourage them to seek counseling. 

Common Issues Teens Face

Every teen is different, but many share similar struggles associated with growing up. Teens face new, unfamiliar challenges and may have trouble adjusting to their changing lives. Your teen might be facing any of the following:

  • Self-esteem issues
  • Mental health disorders, such as anxiety or depression 
  • Social pressure and relationship problems
  • Questions about identity and self-worth
  • Stress from schoolwork, jobs and other responsibilities

Usually, teens face a number of challenges at once, which greatly contributes to their stress levels. Transitioning from a child into an adult involves many changes that can become overwhelming. Many of these challenges are faced independently, too. Teens might be getting their first job, entering the world of dating, handling school responsibilities and so much more. It’s important to pay attention to your teen and monitor how they’re doing. 

While these problems may sound alarming, understand that a therapist can work with your teen to develop healthy coping mechanisms. A therapist will guide your teen as they help them explore their emotions and develop a better understanding of what they’re feeling and why. 

Counseling Works Offers Support

A Counseling Works therapist provides the support your teen needs to feel more confident and in-tune with themselves as they navigate the rough waters of growing up. Working with a therapist helps uncover their emotions and understand themselves better. Often, it’s difficult to go through things alone. You and a therapist can help support your teen as they go through this new, exciting time in their life. Here’s why you should choose the team at Counseling Works:

  • Experienced. Our therapists are specially trained to tackle a broad range of problems faced by teens. 
  • Compassionate. We always take your teen’s concerns very seriously. We offer understanding, guidance and support during a difficult time. 
  • Goal-Driven. Ultimately, our therapy services are meant to help your teen improve his or her life. We work together to make sure your teen meets their goals.  

It’s common for teens to feel defensive or hesitant about going to therapy. With so much misinformation in circulation, your teen might feel afraid of being judged. However, it’s important to break through the stigma. Encouraging your teen to see a counselor opens many opportunities for self-improvement, better social connections and a higher quality of life.

Meet Our Therapists!

Growing up is difficult, but a therapist can make the transition more manageable. Encourage your teen to try adolescent therapy near Plainfield at Counseling Works. Contact us to schedule an intake appointment today: we look forward to helping your teen grow! 


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