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Couples Therapy Naperville

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Couples Therapy Naperville

Relationships involve some work. Whether you are newlyweds or married for decades, you can benefit from couples therapy. Naperville counselors at Counseling Works are your greatest allies in improving your bond. We assist couples dealing with arguments, past hurts, miscommunication, and other matters. Gain the insight you need at our office. 

Feeling Stuck? Take Steps Forward With Therapy

Life often involves unexpected challenges. No matter how hard we prepare, we are caught off-guard when the rug is pulled from beneath us. Relationships are no exception: couples may encounter a number of problems they don’t feel prepared to handle. At Counseling Works, we help patients find footing in uncertain times. A few examples of possible ways to overcome relationship roadblocks include: 

  • Communication. While most people are aware that communication is important, putting it into practice isn’t always simple. It’s easy to judge, argue or fail to listen rather than actively assess the other individual’s situation. If you and your partner struggle to have deeper conversations without conflict arising, try using “I” statements rather than blaming the other person. Effective communication is a habit that can take time to develop: our therapists make it easier. 
  • Positive Affirmations. We all undergo criticism from time to time, but when it comes from your romantic partner, you may understandably feel confused or hurt. Rather than speaking words you can never take back, sharing positive affirmations with each other improves trust, intimacy, and compassion. Saying something simple as a compliment or expressing gratitude can make a world of difference. 
  • Emotional Support. In a healthy relationship, both partners act as a place for the other to vent and share their frustrations. Allowing your loved one to confide in you and vice versa is a major testament to the trust between you both. Emotional vulnerability is key to a stronger bond. 

Building a deeper bond with your partner is easier with a therapist. We can act as a mediator to guide you both through various interpersonal struggles and find solutions that work for you both. Relationships involve compromise, but you should never allow your partner to overstep your boundaries for the sake of harmony. We are your advocates in reclaiming a happy, fulfilling life alongside your partner. 

Why Choose Counseling Works?

Choosing to go to therapy is a big step. We strive to provide the outstanding support you need to overcome whatever challenges life is presenting you. We are here when you are going through a tough time or if you and your partner are hoping to deepen your intimacy and trust. No matter what issues you bring to our office, we are happy to help you take steps forward. Our office is clean, private and easily accessible. We serve patients of all ages, from teens to adults, and we can help with individualized matters. We hope you’ll rely on our professionals. 

If You Are Interested in Couples Therapy, Naperville Patients Can Call Us

To get started with couples therapy, Naperville residents can visit Counseling Works for dependable services. 


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