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Couples Therapy Near Lemont

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Couples Therapy Near Lemont

Every relationship has its ups and downs. While many couples aspire to have a connection that never wavers, it’s unrealistic to expect absolutely no conflict. It’s completely normal—and healthy, even—to have disagreements. But if you and your partner are facing challenges that you can’t seem to overcome on your own, consider trying couples therapy near Lemont. Our therapists at Counseling Works work closely with you to help you tackle your challenges. Openly discussing your roadblocks will help you and your partner move forward. 

Our Counselors Offer the Support That You Need

When two individuals come together, you can expect a few bumps in the road. No relationship is perfect, and while that’s something that many of us are aware of, it’s not always easy to accept. No matter how well you and your partner get along, there will be days where your relationship is tested. Some conflicts are too challenging to work through on your own. When you and your partner encounter difficult times, know that you don’t have to get through it alone. 

Our relationship counselors will lend you a hand. We provide a supportive, confidential environment where you and your partner can share your thoughts. Open communication is essential whenever you have a conflict. Many times, these conflicts occur due to miscommunication in the first place, so ensuring you and your partner understand each other’s stances will help you move forward. 

What to Expect During Couples Therapy Near Lemont

If you and your spouse choose to go to counseling, you are consciously making a decision to improve your relationship. Counseling is shown to be among the most effective ways to improve communication, heal past wounds and resolve ongoing arguments. That being said, setting realistic expectations is a must. Just like your marriage itself, counseling takes time and patience. Here’s what you can expect as you go through your therapy sessions:

  • You may feel a bit uncomfortable. Our therapists want you and your partner to feel comfortable speaking up, which may actually lead to some uncomfortable topics. Given the open nature of counseling, you and your partner may bring up past hurts, dig up old arguments or even raise your voices. Know that this is fine, since identifying what holds you back is essential in moving forward. 
  • Progress isn’t linear. We all have good and bad days. Just when you think you’ve taken a step forward, the next day may make you feel as though you’ve taken three steps back. Progress is rarely straightforward. You and your partner must be willing to have patience and focus on continuing forward. 
  • Self-awareness is key. It’s natural to feel defensive during a disagreement. But being aware of your own actions is key. A relationship isn’t a one-way stress: both you and your spouse’s words, actions and beliefs influence the nature that your bond takes. 

Let Our Therapists at Counseling Works Guide You to a Happier Future

Relationships take work. Our therapists at Counseling Works will help you and your spouse rebuild trust, resolve disputes, identify unhealthy behaviors and more. The payoff is high if you both do your best together. If you’re interested in couples therapy near Lemont, call our office today to schedule an appointment. We look forward to aiding you on your journey to a happier partnership. 


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