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Frankfort Anxiety Counseling

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Frankfort Anxiety Counseling

Life is a journey that’s filled with roadblocks and challenges. Sometimes, we may feel ill-prepared and unable to handle them. If you find yourself stumbling, reach out to a therapist for help. Our team at Counseling Works helps individuals dealing with anxiety and stress. Our Frankfort anxiety counseling services teach you effective coping skills so you can live your life to its fullest. 

What is Anxiety, and How Does Frankfort Anxiety Counseling Help?

Anxiety is a physiological response to danger. When we believe something may harm us, our body prepares to either run from the threat or fight it. This “fight or flight” response may have protected our distant ancestors from saber tooth tigers, but it does little to help us overcome most of our modern challenges. From social anxiety to the fear of flying, anxiety manifests in all sorts of different ways. Each individual experiences anxiety in a unique way, so you must find a coping method that works best for you. 

Counseling Works provides anxiety therapy so you can learn to minimize your stress response. Understanding what causes or triggers your anxiety is often the first step towards developing coping skills. Here’s what you should expect from our services:

  • Determine the Reason For Your Fear. What are you afraid of, and why? Many times, fear is rooted in a larger issue, such as the fear of losing control. Pinpointing the reason for your anxiety will help us develop a strategy to deal with it. By being able to express your fears, you will have a better understanding of how you feel. 
  • Find Ways to Cope. Facing your fears is vital in overcoming them. But diving headfirst into what scares you often has the opposite effect than you intended. First, find ways to cope with the anxiety response. You may find breathing exercises helpful, or try various activities to avoid rumination. 
  • Learn What You Can Do. We can’t always avoid what we’re afraid of. Whether that’s a serious illness or an accident, we simply don’t know what the future holds. While this may seem deeply unsettling, accepting life’s uncertainty can reduce anxiety. A combination of healthy lifestyle choices—such as getting enough sleep and exercising—gives you power and confidence so you can view the future with optimism. 
  • Identify Unhelpful Thinking Patterns. People who have anxiety disorders often have pessimistic thinking. You may only focus on the negatives, or berate yourself for minor mistakes. When we blow things out of proportion, we make events seem much worse than they actually are. Learning to identify negative thinking patterns is vital in changing your perspective. 

The Benefits of Visiting A Therapist

Overcoming anxiety on your own is challenging. Severe anxiety can affect the way you live, leading you to avoid situations that make you uncomfortable. If anxiety is hindering your ability to live your life, our therapists are here to help. We will help you find peace using tried and true methods. We provide the insight you need to continue moving forward. 

Speak to Our Therapists Today

Don’t let anxiety take over your life: visit our therapists at Counseling Works! Our Frankfort anxiety counseling services will teach you coping skills and help you build a positive perspective that you carry with you on your journey towards the life you’ve dreamed of. 


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