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Frankfort Anxiety Therapist

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Frankfort Anxiety Therapist

Feeling stressed? You aren’t alone. Anxiety is a very common condition that affects an estimated 40 million American adults. If life seems to be spiraling out of control, speak to our Frankfort anxiety therapist at Counseling Works. We are here to guide you as you learn to cope with your thoughts.

What Is Anxiety, and How Do I Know If I Have It?

Anxiety is a physiological response to danger that’s meant to protect us. The body prepares itself to flee or fight a foe by sending a hormone, adrenaline, into the bloodstream. You may experience:

  • Pounding heart
  • Shallow, fast breathing
  • Numbness in hands and feet
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Sweating
  • Nausea or digestive upset
  • Overwhelming fear

In addition to physical symptoms, people with anxiety usually have intense emotions, too. You may feel overwhelming fear, irritability, sadness, insecurity and more. While it’s normal to feel nervous every now and then, constantly feeling overwhelmed is a sign that you may have an anxiety disorder. People without anxiety are typically able to function without letting their worries consume them. Conversely, anxiety can be debilitating, especially if you experience frequent panic attacks. Usually, panic attacks are triggered by certain situations, but they also happen out of the blue. Frequent, sudden panic attacks may indicate a panic disorder or PTSD. 

If anxiety has made you feel like a spectator in your own life, speaking with a therapist is worthwhile. Therapy is effective because we teach you coping mechanisms to condition your mind and body to react differently to stress. Over time, you can learn to manage your stress response and use grounding exercises to restore your confidence and control.

The Benefits of Seeing a Frankfort Anxiety Therapist

While anxiety may feel overwhelming, you can reclaim your life with the help of our therapists. Therapy is effective because we teach you coping mechanisms to condition your mind and body to react differently to stress. Over time, you can learn to manage your stress response and use grounding exercises to reduce symptoms. 

When you visit a therapist, you are choosing to change your life for the better:

  • Support. We all need someone to lean on. Whether you’re going through a challenging time or feel unable to handle life events on your own, a therapist is someone you can talk to without reservation. 
  • Professional Advice. While the advice of friends and family is well-intentioned, it’s rarely enough to replace professional advice. Our counselors undergo years of education and training. We are well-versed in anxiety and the means by which individuals cope with it.  
  • Hope. It’s common for people with anxiety to feel like they’ll never be “normal.” We’re here to help you look towards the future with hope and optimism. 

Visit Our Frankfort Anxiety Therapist Now

Learning to live with an anxiety disorder is challenging, but it’s possible with the help of a Frankfort anxiety therapist at Counseling Works. Call our office today for more information about our services, as well as to schedule your intake appointment.


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