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Counseling for College Students in Naperville

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Counseling for College Students in Naperville

We may think of young adulthood as the most carefree time in our lives. While ideally, young adults should have the opportunity to be independent and confident, the reality is many young adults face their own personal and social issues. College students are not always equipped with the maturity they need to overcome certain challenges on their own, especially when they’re dealing with coursework, social connections and brand new experiences. Many times, counseling is the right solution. At Counseling Works, we provide therapy services designed to help college students work through the unique challenges they face at such a tumultuous time in their lives. Here’s what to expect when considering therapy. 

How Does Counseling For College Students in Naperville Work?

Counseling provides support for college students facing mental illness, trauma, stressful workloads and other issues. At Counseling Works, we help young adults through talk therapy. Much as its name suggests, you will talk to a specialized therapist each week about the issues you are facing. 

After an intake appointment, where we’ll learn about you and the challenges you are facing, we will assign one of our therapists who will then spend the following weeks working closely with you. Each session may involve different activities, such as making a list of what’s stressing you, or trying breathing exercises. We approach therapy with a goal-oriented mindset to help you cope with your feelings and live a happier life. 

Signs A College Student Needs Counseling

Everyone is different, and so are the signs that they are dealing with complex thoughts and feelings. It’s not always easy to identify when you need professional help, which is why professional intervention is so important. Here are signs to consider when determining whether you could benefit from therapy:

  • Loneliness. College may seem like a time when everyone’s making friends and connections. But some individuals, especially those who deal with social anxiety, may have trouble making friends or speaking up in class, leading to a sense of isolation. 
  • Trauma. Individuals can face a number of traumatic experiences, from abuse to being involved in an accident. Trauma often causes significant, long-term psychological stress if left untreated, which may complicate one’s college experience.
  • Mental Health Issues. OCD, anxiety and depression can manifest in childhood and persist through young adulthood. Counseling is imperative in helping the individual learn to cope with these issues in healthy ways. 
  • Trouble Keeping Up With Coursework. College throws all sorts of curveballs at such young individuals. On top of social demands and extracurriculars, as well as jobs or internships, you have coursework. If you’re falling behind on coursework and feel overwhelmed, a therapist can help you learn to manage your day-to-day duties.   

Other times, college students may simply need someone to talk to about their daily concerns. Young adulthood is a time of transformation, and it’s easier with someone to help you understand your experiences and feelings. No matter what challenges you face, our team is prepared to help. 

Call Us for Therapy Services

College students face a unique set of challenges that can put pressure on them. Learning healthy coping mechanisms is an invaluable skill that’ll improve your quality of life. Counseling Works is here to provide the support you need. Call us today to learn more about our counseling for college students in Naperville. 


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