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Teen Therapy in Aurora

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Being a teen in today’s world is more difficult than it’s ever been. To be sure, teens are bombarded with both in-person and cyberbullying, are under immense pressure to succeed academically while also maintaining a specific “look,” and are suffering from unprecedented rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide. At Counseling Works, our professionals believe in the power of teen therapy and want to help your teen and your family. For trusted teen therapy in Aurora that could make a significant difference in your teen’s life, please call Counseling Works to set up your first appointment today.

Top Reasons that Teens Go to Therapy

There should be nothing shameful or embarrassing about going to therapy – all persons struggle with managing their emotions in life, and for teens, whose hormones are surging and who are growing up in a world that isn’t always kind, navigating the world can prove to be especially challenging. Some of the top reasons that teens go to therapy include:

  • Depression and anxiety. Mood and psychological disorders like depression and anxiety are a leading reason why teens (and their parents) seek psychological and counseling services in Illinois. Again, rates of teen anxiety and depression are at an all-time high and, sometimes, these conditions have devastating consequences for teens’ lives.
  • Eating disorders. Eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia can plague a teen’s life and are not uncommon.
  • Substance abuse disorders. Drug and alcohol use can become serious problems for teens, often leading to behavioral and academic issues, self-esteem issues, and even crime in some cases.
  • Trauma and grief. Teens may be victims of traumatic events and grief that lead to a need for counseling services, including divorce, the loss of a family member, and other serious and traumatic events.

Depression and anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse disorders, and trauma and grief are some of the most common reasons that teens seek therapy, but they are not the only ones. Stress, academic issues, behavioral issues, relationship issues, bullying, legal problems, family problems, and more are also reasons why teens come to see our Aurora therapists.

What to Expect During Teen Therapy in Aurora

Going to therapy can be intimidating and some teens may even feel embarrassed or that they will be viewed as “crazy” by their friends or family members. Therapy is very private, however, and the decision to share your choice to go to therapy or details about therapy is entirely yours.

Our Aurora teen therapists use a variety of different techniques and therapy styles to help teens identify and understand their emotions and cultivate healthier self-images and habits. We may use individual, one-on-one therapy; family therapy that focuses on helping the entire family function more constructively; or group therapy where numerous teens participate as a collective. Our therapist’s goal is to help a teen recognize their emotions, develop coping skills, and ultimately learn how to interact with the world in a manner that is positive, constructive, and contributes to the teen’s happiness. 

Schedule Teen Therapy in Aurora Today

To learn more about teen therapy in Aurora or to make an appointment today, please call Counseling Works directly or send us a message. We believe in the power of therapy to help people like you make positive changes in their lives.


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