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Therapist Naperville

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Therapist Naperville

Life is seldom predictable. We often encounter unexpected challenges that catch us off guard. No matter what you’re going through, a therapist at Counseling Works can help. We have years of experience resolving a variety of interpersonal and individual conflicts. Whether you need help adjusting to a new lifestyle, advice on a new relationship or just need someone to discuss your concerns with, we here to support you. To visit a therapist, Naperville patients can call our office and schedule an intake appointment. 

With a Therapist, Naperville Patients Can Thrive

Many people wish to live a happier, more fulfilling life. Yet it can be hard to find treading when the ground is slipping out from beneath you. Often, therapy provides the answers you seek. It’s a safe space where you can discuss your private concerns in a confidential environment. A therapist is a mental health professional who can help you with a number of situations, such as:

  • Relationship roadblocks
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Worries related to the future
  • Finding the source of unhappiness in your life
  • Building self esteem and a sense of worth

It’s not easy to deal with these situations on your own. Therapy can help you explore various resolutions and identify strengths during a difficult time. Having an unbiased individual outside of the conflict can help you realize new pathways you didn’t even know existed. 

What to Expect From Therapy

Before you begin therapy, it’s important to set reasonable expectations. Many individuals find success through counseling. However, it takes a skilled therapist, alongside your own commitment, to achieve the results you seek. Counseling Works has a talented staff with each having a focus area. Each appointment builds off the previous to ensure progress continues. And while progress is hardly ever linear, you can expect to see improvement in your thoughts and behaviors in just a few weeks. 

Long-term changes can take weeks to several months. For instance, individuals with depression may need about 6 months of therapy to feel better. In other situations, such as relationship roadblocks, you may need to see a therapist several times alongside your partner until the issue gets sorted out. Remember that you are an individual, and your experience in therapy should reflect this. 

Some results you can achieve through therapy include: 

  • See the problem from a different perspective
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses
  • Find hope in a challenging situation
  • Better understand your partner, friend or family member
  • Develop a healthier relationship with your body

Therapy is about growth. Life is constantly changing, and therapy can help you adjust. You’ll see things from new perspectives and learn to cope with unpleasant mental health symptoms so you can live your life to its fullest.

Call Us Today to Schedule an Appointment

Getting started with counseling can be nerve-wracking, but the results are worth it. Counseling Works aims to be a supportive, safe environment where you can freely discuss life’s challenges. If you’d like to visit a therapist, Naperville residents can call our office to schedule an appointment. 


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